Sorry, But You Gotta Go

In this moment, a person's foot is out the door. They mutter their goodbyes as the door closes. A final glance back is taken, and they are ready to enter the outside without the support of their loved ones. Solitude may embrace them, but clutching on to survival is placed as the top priority.

Ah yes, this individual is about the enter the bitter, cold world on their own. There are a slew of idioms I could fill in here, but what if I told you that this person's approaching journey is similar to that of natives of the toasty Kalahari desert, meerkats?

That's right. They're about 12 inches in height and furry, but they can be thrown out of their families just like us. Moreover, I found some more connections with humans after recently watching the documentary called Clan of the Meerkat. First, let's dig into some facts about these tiny sand scavengers.

As stated above, meerkats are primarily located in portions of the Kalahari desert, which is near Botswana. They are members of the mongoose family, and relatives in their distinct families generally consist of about 20 meerkats--quite a hefty number. Mothers dominate her fellow meerkats, but sometimes they can get difficult to manage. With internal squabbles, predators, and pups to look after, her job can get a bit challenging.

What mother can't relate to that, right?

What person isn't familiar with banding with their loved ones or friends in times of trouble (Even if they are about to kick out a member)?

After watching the documentary, I found that meerkats have the astonishing ability to unite against predators. Their enemies usually include snakes and other meerkat families who attempt to conquer their territories. Even though the circumstances are more complex, it reminds me of the way humans stick together during tough times. The possible situations are endless. However, instinct and value overpowers the need to unite.

In the documentary a mother's daughter was banished after she had her meerkat pups. She could no longer live in the din, and she had to protect herself in the Kalahari. Eventually, she was allowed to return.

In the instances that involve humans, sometimes people aren't that fortunate. In many households, parents stamp their young with an expiration date that might read, "You're 18, and you gotta go." Consider a kid, of that age, who has tangles with the wishes of their parents. They have to leave. Perhaps a kid is going to leave regardless when they reach that age. Whatever the situation, they never journey without encountering harsh words or failure. They never journey without encountering some proud moments and accomplishments.

Like the female meerkat in the documentary, many people are welcomed back to their homes after the bitter, cold world they faced alone. Sometimes they continue through their trek never looking back.

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